Friday, November 28, 2008


Bankruptcy is defined as the liquidation of one’s assets. The debtor is considered, “insolvent”; in essence, they are without net worth, and as a result, in a federal proceeding the debtor is relieved of their debt.

Because of the current state of the economy, more and more people are filing for bankruptcy. Too many of us have gotten in over our financial head, can’t afford to maintain the lifestyles to which we have grown accustomed, and must now liquidate what assets we have to survive. A great number of factors may have contributed to our financial bankruptcy: under or unemployment, loss of job, high medical bills, children’s college education, unexpected traumatic events, the increased cost of living). But regardless of the negative factors associated with our current financial condition, the end result is still the same. Bankruptcy.

But what of your spiritual life? Have your spiritual assets been liquidated? Are you operating in a spiritual vacuum, deplete of the tools necessary to make your spiritual life solvent? The answer to these questions lies in your daily relationship with God, or maybe the lack thereof. Unemployment or underemployment has negatively impacted your financial status. Has un-involvement or under-involvement with God negatively impacted your spiritual status? Increased cost of college, daily life expenses, medical bills may have had an adverse effect on your current financial status. Has the high cost of the life that we have chosen to live cost us spiritually?

And what about the notion that a lifetime of poor choices and poor fiscal management has left us in the precarious position of needing a financial bailout? Has a lifetime of poor choices and poor spiritual management left us spiritually bankrupt? God is the only bailout for the spiritual condition that we find ourselves in!! Ask for some assistance today.

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