Monday, October 13, 2008

Man or Mouse?

Are you a man or a mouse?
Who lives in the house
That was built by your spouse,
Because you are such a louse?

Are you a man or a punk?
Wrist bent and talking junk.
Frontin like you aint really a punk?

Are you a man or a boy?
Continuing to play with toys
Failing to rear your own three boys
Who fail to see their mothers joy?

Are you a man or a kid?
Trying to rid Yourself of the guilt of the things you did
And making a pitiful bid
On a lifestyle that’s big.

Are you a man or your mother’s son?
The one That she leans on to be the SUN
That sheds light on the other ones?

I know who you really are
A fake and a punk and a fallen star
And a lousy husband and father, by far.
Riddled with jealousy and envy and a scar
Because you finally realize what you really are.

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